Accounts – Open Items
Path: Account->Open Items, Payments on hold
The ‘Open Items’ are brought in from the ERP system on a regular basis,
These indicate 2 different aspects of an accounts status with you, 1 if an account has been set to direct debit (ACH) etc.. Kuhlekt attempt 3 times for failures after which we set to “Direct Debit is Disabled” and set to red, we also then create a note in the account timeline for the collector to action and resolve with the customer.
The 2nd representation is if the account is on credit hold as advised by your ERP
Payment sources, here we maintain PCI compliant data from the payment company, create as many payment sources as you like and select the appropriate when advised by your client.
You can also enable or disable a direct debit here by selecting the source and clicking Enable or Disable Direct debit.
The Icon below the 4 highlights that a payment is in progress for the Open Item you can click on the icon and a modal will show the transaction.
The icon adjacent to the 5 indicates that Kuhlekt have an invoice filed for this Open Item, clicking this will open a PDF of the invoice.
The menu for Open Item shows the opportunity to Pay (Covered in tomorrow’s email) and edit an open item, If you have ‘Account Edit’ permissions, you can enter comments again on the open items.