Accounts Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – forward
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – Status receipts
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails - Phone, Note & PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Escalate Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – receipts
- Accounts – Timeline – Export
Accounts – Timeline – Auto-close PTP
Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline
When using auto-close for a PTP, the selected outstanding open items are totaled to automatically fill in the ‘Amount promised’.
There is also the option to setup a ‘Payment Arrangement’, which allows for the amount promised to be to paid in instalments.
When you click on the ‘Payment arrangement’ checkbox, the ‘Payment Arrangement’ fields appear; Arrangement start date
Arrangement frequency Arrangement instalment amount
After the ‘Payment Arrangement’ fields have been entered, the ‘Arrangement schedule’ appears, which shows each instalment, with the date due and amount promised, and the amount received.
The ‘Date due’ is the date due of the next instalment and is automatically calculated from the ‘Arrangement schedule’.
After each data load, the system checks each PTP with a ‘Payment Arrangement’, and checks if the selected open items have reduced in the amount outstanding, and if so, the system automatically updates the PTP’s ‘Amount’ due, ‘Date due’, ‘Arrangement schedule’, and ‘Received’. Once all the selected open items are no longer outstanding, the system automatically closes PTP.
Missed payment will have a to-Do added to the activities list for the collector to manage.