Accounts Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close
- Accounts – Timeline - Auto-close PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – forward
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Email – Status receipts
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails - Phone, Note & PTP
- Accounts – Timeline - Emails – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - Escalate Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - Phone/Notes/PTPs
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – inbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – outbound
- Accounts – Timeline - SMS – receipts
- Accounts – Timeline – Export
Accounts – Timeline – SMS – inbound
Path: Account->Open Items->Timeline
The system also allows for inbound SMS from customers.
When the customer replies to an SMS, and the SMS is received, the system looks for an account that sent an SMS to the number received, and if an account is found, the system automatically matches the incoming SMS to the account.
When SMSs are initially received, they have a status of ‘Unread’. These SMSs appear on the ‘To-do Unread email and SMS’ for the user assigned to the account. Once read, the SMS’s status is changed to ‘Read’.
If the system is unable to match an incoming SMS to an account, then the SMS appears on the ‘To- do Unread email and SMS’ list as an unmatched item. A user is assigned to look at these unmatched emails and SMS. When the user opens the un-matched SMS, the system prompts with a list of accounts to match the SMS to.
A ‘Read’ SMS can be replied to, which creates a new SMS.