Comms Dunning
- Dunning - Access
- Dunning - Account details
- Dunning - Automation
- Dunning - Dashboard
- Dunning - Output
- Dunning - Records
- Dunning - Setup - Account
- Dunning – Cancel – Manual Batches
- Dunning – Close – Manual Batches
- Dunning – How it works
- Dunning – Overview
- Dunning – Re-run – Manual Batches
- Dunning – Run – Manual Batches
- Dunning – Run – Manual Batches Overview
- Dunning – Setup - Procedure levels
- Dunning – Setup – Procedures
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Dunning – Setup – Procedure levels
Each procedure has a few levels. The key to the level is the days in arrears. At each level you specify what action you want to take.
The procedure level has the follow fields.
Days in arrears | The days in arears for an open item to qualify for this level |
Priority | Used to ‘order’ levels with the same ‘Days in arrears’ |
Payment required by | Number of days that payment is required |
Action | Select one of the actions · SMS · Post · To-do phone · To-do notes · To-do legal |
Minimum amount | Minimal total amount to qualify for this level |
Charge | Customer change for this level |
Email Destination | Select where invoices are to be sent. Choose from list |
Attach invoices | Overdue or all. Choose from drop list |
Post/Email Orientation | Choose either landscape or portrait layout. |
Template | Complete the template for the method of comms |
Email/Post template | For email & post: The letter template |
To-do title | For To-do’s, the title for the to-do |
The dunning system looks at each account, one at a time, starting from the highest balance and working down.
For each account, the system determines if the account qualifies to go to the next dunning level. It does this by looking at the account’s dunning setup, the dunning procedure, the dunning procedure levels, and the account’s open items. If an account qualifies to go to the next level, a dunning record is created.
The system then looks at each of the account’s open items, which are assessed on their own merits, to determine if they individually qualify to go to the next dunning level. The first time that an open item qualifies, it is given a level 1. On subsequent dunning runs, if the same open item qualifies for the next level, it is given the next level 2, and so on.
The dunning level of the account’s dunning record is the highest dunning level of any of its open items.
Refer to How it works
The email/post templates are setup using a built-in text editor, where you can setup the dunning letter in any format you like. You use keywords, which are used to look up data for the accounts. Refer to the appendix below for a list of the available keywords, and a sample template.
You can have more than one dunning procedure level with the same ‘days in arears’. These dunning procedure levels are ‘ordered’ by the ‘priority’ for each level. The idea behind this is to provide alternatives if the action for the procedure level is not available for the account.
For example, you could set up the following.
Level 1, days in arrears 7, priority 1, action email Level 1, days in arrears 7, priority 2, action post
If an account qualifies for level 1, the system will look at the first dunning procedure level 1 (priority 1), if the account cannot proceed with the action (i.e., the account has not been setup for email), then the system will look at the second dunning procedure level 1 (priority 2) and so on.
You may have a set of accounts, all with valid postal addresses, but only some with valid email details. Your preference may be to send emails rather than post. By using multiple dunning priorities withing the one level, you can use the email addresses where they exist, and alternatively use post.
Here are 3 sample dunning processes and the keywords that can be used. Dunning Samples